Exploring Foundations of Platforms-Ecosystem Thinking: the Story
Contextualizing the New Foundations of Platform-Ecosystem Thinking Whitepaper.
This short video will help readers contextualize the New Foundations of Platform-Ecosystem Thinking Whitepaper – released on November 20th by the Boundaryless Team: some of the thought leaders and practitioners that have shaped the work provide essential insights and framing for the inflection point we’re living, that requires radically new ways of organizing at scale.
Check out: https://platformdesigntoolkit.com/NewFoundations
Audio Segments:
01:35 James Currier from “Marketplaces: Unveiling the math behind society and what to do about it”
02:16 Rita McGrath from “Seeing Around Corners (#19) – aperture.hub”
02:42 Casey Winters from “Village Global’s Venture Stories – All Things Marketplaces by Erik Torenberg with Dan Hockenmaier, Casey Winters, and Lenny Rachitsky”
03:04 Sangeet Choudary from “Re-bundling the Firm around Problems to Be Solved”
03:55 Nicolas Colin from “The Entrepreneurial Age: Networks and a fragmenting world”
4:23 Martin Reeves from “Remaking the Case for Strategy in an Interdependent World”— with Martin Reeves. Medium. Published June 9, 2020. Accessed November 19, 2020.
4:36 Dave Snowden from “Dave Snowden and friends – Organizational Design – Part 1”
5:03 Joe Norman from “Organizations as Architectures for Complexity”
5:54 John Robb from “Beyond markets: sense-making and organising, in a world of open networks”
7:00 Indy Johar from “Redrawing the Human Development Thesis for the 21st Century”
8:00 Lisa Gansky from “Checkpoint episode with Lisa Gansky: Ecosystems – between the no more and the not yet.”

Boundaryless Team
November 20, 2020