Introducing the new Platform Opportunity Exploration Guide 1.0 Stable Release: a walkthrough
Explore the newest changes of the Platform Opportunity Exploration release.
In this video, Simone Cicero provides a walkthrough overview of the recently released Platform Opportunity Exploration Guide v.1.0 released after 2 year+ of intensive use on the field and used to certify more than 200 practitioners.
Check all the info on the release here:
This new release of the Platform Opportunity Exploration guide brings up truly notable changes:
? overtakes the existing Platform Opportunity Exploration Guide previously released in 2018 (v 0.1);
? is now based on more than two years of application of our opportunity exploration framework that has been largely taught at our Platform Design Bootcamp to hundreds of certified professionals.
? a newly packaged set of related canvases available in the companion download pack;
? now features both an “impromptu” (short) process of exploration and the fully structured one (suggested)
? introduces the Six Platform Plays approach to transforming value chains.

Boundaryless Team
April 07, 2021