Platforms & ecosystems – What do they mean for your business models and organizational structure
A conversation with Yolanda Martin, Director of Platform Ecosystem Design at Kaluza, on the unified market-firm theory.
According to Martin Reeves, chairman of BCG’s Henderson Institute, 10 years ago, none of the world’s top 10 companies by market capitalization was an ecosystem. Now seven of the largest tech companies are actually two-sided digital marketplaces.
– What does it all mean?
– What’s the impact this market shift has on competition, business relationships, and business models?
– Are there structural implications regarding how firms should be designed and operate to thrive in a platform era?
– What’s the most effective evolution journey to thrive on falling transaction costs, massively distributed collaboration, and scalable learning
This 1-hour panel will feature:
– Simone Cicero, Co-Founder, and CEO at Boundaryless
– Emanuele Quintarelli, EEEO Microenterprise Leader ad Boundaryless
– Yolanda Martin, Director of Platform Ecosystem Design at Kaluza
During the session, the team will investigate a unified market-firm theory that intimately connects exceptional customer outcomes to unprecedented levels of entrepreneurship and innovation across company boundaries.

Boundaryless Team
June 17, 2021