Outside-in, organically entrepreneurial but emergently coherent designs more aptly allow firms to face the exponential societal dynamics and the market disruptions we are currently living in.
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Enabling Organizations absorbs the highly volatile, hyper-connected, unpredictable shocks of current markets while, at the same time, unlocking human passion, potential and entrepreneurship.
Our approach covers all the key phases of developing a 3EO: from exploring the specific context and high priority goals at hand up to nurturing a massively distributed environment for launching, validating and scaling organizational hacks.
Created in strict collaboration with Haier Model Research Institute, the 3EO Toolkit is an open source framework to transform organizations into a swarm of networked micro-enterprises connected through dynamic collaboration and shared services.
We create, share openly, and continuously enrich our methodology under a creative-commons license so everybody can access, use and explore opportunities with a shared language.
Our experience with complexity thinking, socio-technical systems, and whole scale change acts as the basis for an agile, decentralized, probe-and-react evolution journey to identify the minimum viable enabling constraints for a multitude of value exchanges to emerge from the edges of the system.
Our approach aims at a continuous organic evolution, more than a predictable transformation from A to B. It fosters distributed power and messy coherence, more than perfect control. It is always co-created with the entire organization, never imposed on it. It keeps a line of sight on customer outcomes, instead of protecting bureaucracy, overhead and vested interests.
We help organizations to get inspired, acquire the foundational knowledge and become confident at exploring the future of organizing. Whether you are making your first steps in self-management and a more entrepreneurial design or trying to improve an existing teal structure, we bring leading examples, market-proof organizational artifacts, a unique transition methodology and visual supports.
Created in strict collaboration with Haier Model Research Institute, the 3EO Toolkit is an open-source instrument to transform incumbent organizations into a swarm of networked micro-enterprises connected through dynamic collaboration and shared services. Through the 3EO Toolkit, leaders and managers can:
We offer both public and private training courses all year round: join one of our masterclasses or self-paced learning paths to become a certified facilitator, join the 3EO Community of Practice and be part of Boundaryless’ family.
Instead, in case you want to apply the methodology to your own projects, check our private trainings and consulting programs!